Deep Dive student presenting her Fullstack Web Development project at a Demo Day event

Data Science for Business Leaders

What You’ll Learn

Deep Dive’s Data Science for Business Leaders class is designed for executives and business leaders who want to make better business decisions and implement data science in their organizations.

In this Data Science class, our experienced instructors will teach you the fundamentals of using data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) for business decisions. Learn how to use data to build a truly data-driven organization— from top to bottom.



It’s expected that our students have a practical understanding of popular operating systems, as well as fundamental computer and internet skills. The ideal candidate is someone who manages or leads a team that uses data to inform their work.

Students must use their own laptop in this class, with an operating system of Windows 10OS or Mac 10.13 or above. Webcams and microphones are required. Internet access with a minimum of 3.8Mpbs/3.0Mbps (up/down) is also required. Contact us for information about minimum specs. Limited loaners are available through CNM ITS.

Dates & Deadlines

Meet Your Data Science for Business Leaders Instructor

Headshot of Robert Citek, Data Science for Business Leaders instructor at Deep Dive

Robert Citek, M.S.

Robert Citek has over 25 years of experience in biotech, healthcare, and research, focusing primarily in bioinformatics. Robert is passionate about sharing his knowledge and expertise with students and helping them to develop the skills they need to succeed in the rapidly evolving world of data science.

What Our Team Members Say

“Data Science for Business Leaders is excellent for someone who is managing a data-driven team or process, or someone who is interested in a career shift to data science.”

— Nora Meah, Deep Dive Program Director