Full-Time Bootcamp Structure

Bootcamp Structure and Perks

Full Time Bootcamps

In a full time bootcamp, you’ll dedicate your time and attention to the bootcamp for the full 10-12 weeks. You’ll go to class Monday through Friday, just like you would a job when you graduate. You’ll work on a team to create your project, have daily check-ins, work closely with your instructors and with our support staff, and immerse yourself in learning to code.

Full time bootcamps are intense – they’re designed to mimic the work environment and get you prepared and focused. You’ll have projects and deadlines, just like a workplace, and will want to dedicate your time outside of class to fine-tuning your websites, doing some reading, and staying on top of your notes. Our bootcamp instructors expect you to be focused, dedicated and professional.

Students should begin mandatory course pre-work for full time bootcamps no later than 3 weeks prior to the bootcamp start date. Pre-work must be complete by orientation, which is held the Friday before the bootcamp starts.

Full Time Bootcamp Perks:

  • Dedicated faculty who provide one-on-one attention
  • Small class size: 14-16 students average
  • Guest speakers from local software and development companies
  • Personalized career and student success coaching
  • Free parking and bus passes
  • Breakfast and healthy snacks provided
  • “Recess!” – two days a week, a trainer from Sports & Wellness coaches bootcamp students through an hour-long workout (appropriate for all fitness levels) to encourage healthy coding habits.
  • Networking and professional development connections
  • “Demo Day” – an opportunity to showcase your work from the camp to potential employers

Day in the Life of a Deep Dive Full Time Bootcamp Student

7:30 a.m. – We’ll provide coffee/soft drinks and something to munch on, we’ll talk about our code and get prepped for the day.

8 a.m. – Let’s get to work on today’s first lessons. We’ll start with the daily stand up meeting. We’ll review any questions that arose from your coding work from the night before and make sure the stage is set for today’s projects. Questions will be asked, with answers and guidance offered in return.

8:30 a.m. – The hands-on commences, with pairs and teams as the perfect structure to attack the day’s set of hands-on projects. The extra pair of eyes will help you focus on your work, find answers to questions quickly, and generally shave your learning curve. Your roving instructor will be available to provide a boost through a roadblock, a relevant shortcut, or real-life examples for guidance.

12:00 p.m. – Time to refuel! Options abound for tasty lunches of many flavors at nearby establishments or bring your own lunch fixings.

1 p.m. – Let’s talk about your amazing insights from this morning’s projects, and introduce this afternoon’s challenges.

2 p.m. – Time to take a break and do something to refresh your mind and body. You know lots of great ideas are born when we unplug for a little while and find a different perspective. A couple times a week we’ll wander over for a quick, customized training routine at Downtown Sports & Wellness – it’s included in your tuition, of course. Other days, let’s take a walk and have some more conversations.

3 p.m. – More hacking. Your brain will expand even further as we lay out projects and activities for you and your Divemates to explore and accomplish. Your instructors will be astonished at your progress, and will occasionally assist you just to be sure they feel needed.

4:30 p.m. – Often, we’ll have local developers, employers and others visit to share their coding, business and hiring experiences and to have some Q & A time with you.

5 p.m. – Yes, time flies when you’re having such fun, but it’s time to break off for the evening and eat again. We’re officially done for the day, but most of you will likely choose to continue building your apps and projects during or after you find something to eat for dinner. After all, the more hands-on coding stuff you and your Divemates can experiment with during your 10 weeks here, the better prepared and more attractive you’ll be for prospective employers.

Evenings and Weekends
 – You’ll revisit and organize the copious notes you’ve taken during class days and practice what you’ve learned thus far. You’ll also get some well-deserved down time to refresh and recharge.

Deep Dive tuition increases go into effect on 7/1/2024. Programs beginning on or after 7/1/2024 will reflect updated tuition pricing. Click “Tuition Increase” to learn more.  


Deep Dive tuition increases go into effect on 7/1/2024. Programs beginning on or after 7/1/2024 will reflect updated tuition pricing. Review those increases here.  

Scheduled Maintenance

CNM Ingenuity will be performing scheduled maintenance on Saturday, January 20 from 8 p.m. – 11 p.m. Students will not be able to submit or modify any forms during this time. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Please contact us with any questions.