Success Stories

Our students come from all walks of life; looking to build a new skill set, start their software development company, find community, and to launch a new career. Our graduates are amazing and we hope you get the same amount of inspiration from their stories as we do.

Alicia Vigil

"After graduating from UNM with my bachelors I was stuck with “Well now what? I don’t want to be in this field”. I started looking at becoming a Software Developer and how I could actually make that dream a reality. I reached out to some friends, and I was recommended to try out Deep Dive Coding. I ended up completing the Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp. I am still shocked at how much you can actually learn in 10 weeks. The course work is always up to date with how quickly the tech field is changing. Right after I completed the bootcamp I was offered employment as a Software Engineer I for a company called Chenega, we work for the NNSA/DOE as contractors. Everything I learned in the bootcamp is directly applicable to the job I have now. I now code in C# but by learning JavaScript in the bootcamp (amongst many other things) I was able to very easily translate that knowledge due to the skills I learned at my time with Deep Dive. I am forever grateful to them and everyone in the community. I wouldn’t be where I am without Deep Dive, and now I get to have a career that I absolutely love doing."

Russell Brazell

"When I first heard about the need for more Software Engineers I was intrigued. How could I become a successful Software Engineer when I didn't have a computer science degree? It turns out the best answer I found was Deep Dive Coding. With the Java bootcamp I learned the key skills I needed to be able to get my first job as a software Engineer. My employer, an international utility billing company, was impressed with how much the bootcamp was able to teach me in 12 weeks. From the basics of object-oriented programming to specific functions of Java and Android development to the less concrete concepts of how to learn new languages and frameworks, the bootcamp taught me things I would’ve struggled to learn in over 6 months of full-time study on my own. Nick, the lead instructor, is a true coding wizard and an impeccable instructor who is always there to help. Even after the bootcamp was finished I still received support from the staff at Deep Dive and I am confident that if needed in the future they will continue to offer support for my journey in tech. "

Andrew Martinez

"During my time in the UX/UI Design Bootcamp we covered a wide range of topics including (but not limited to) design elements, color theory, information architecture, research methods for User Experience, systems thinking, and how to pitch my ideas to employers. Additionally, I learned to work with new programs as well as further my skills and understandings of some others. Because of the vast scope of the field, we dealt with many aspects of design which has led to me having several new skills to add to my resume. Working with my colleagues in the cohort, and learning from Melody about various strategies helped me gain real world experience working with team members on projects. The support from the Deep Dive community has been tremendous, and helped me in my pursuit of working in tech. "

Cyntelle Renteria

"After the bootcamp, I was gratuitously offered a paid opportunity to continue my learning as a Technical Resident with Technology Solutions Labs. I worked on a project that gave some real-world IoT project experience, and this combined with the unparalleled support of Deep Dive Coding, I was able to transition my career and secure my first Software Engineer position within 5 months of completing the Internet of Things program at Deep Dive . "

Janel Sanchez

"The Digital Media bootcamp gave me the opportunity to enhance my education while Deep Dive provided me the skills needed to explore an entirely new career path. With over 8 years in the medical field I knew I needed to discover a route that would entail a more intimate journey of giving back and deeper involvement within my home town community. This 12-week course allowed me to dig into my creative side and push the boundaries of the media fields; from falling in love with drones and microelectronics to the depths of all things happening in the digital world. When you are a part of Deep Dive, you are a part of something far greater – a community, a family. Now I am currently the Digital Content Manager for an amazing local non-profit organization, Keshet Dance and Center for the Arts. From mixed ability and community dance programs to arts and justice with youth mentorship, I am beyond happy and grateful for my experience to become a voice for a greater cause."

John Johnson-Rodgers

"I first heard of Deep Dive’s Fullstack Web Development program from my wife, who was looking to change careers after hearing her employer was closing the doors of it’s local call center. I saw her hard work and the progress she made while going through the bootcamp. She kept encouraging me to join the bootcamp, I was hesitant since I did not know how active the local development scene is. She got a job four days after the bootcamp ended up doing exactly what she wanted to do when she started the bootcamp. I had been programming in VBA for a few years and enjoyed the challenge of learning how to build digital tools. I finally joined Deep Dive a year after she graduated. I left my job, got a scholarship, and entered Deep Dive’s twenty-sixth web development cohort. I am so happy that I did. The community built around Deep Dive is amazing, the coursework is hands on, and the instructors are amazing. I was put on a team with another student to work on a web app that benefits our community. We entered and took first place at UNM/CNM Mobile App Contest and we are both now leading web application development for the AODA of New Mexico. I am helping my community, making a respectable amount of money, and having the time of my life. Deep Dive has changed my life and I will always be thankful."

Erica DuBois

As I neared the end of my 5th year as a High School Teacher, I decided to pursue a new career. This was a daunting task, as I had never really thought about doing anything else and it wasn’t the right time for me to pursue another 2-4 year degree. While sharing this with friends, one of them steered me towards Deep Dive Coding. He explained the intense 12 week Java + Android bootcamp structure and the wealth of knowledge and experience he obtained by the end of it. After talking with him, I decided to dive in head first. The bootcamp was one of the most challenging and humbling experiences I have ever had in education. However, I feel I gained more knowledge in those 12 weeks than I would have in an entire year of traditional education. The bootcamp equipped me with valuable and employable skills as a software developer. I started working in the industry as a Software Developer just two months after the bootcamp ended. Deep Dive Coding has definitely changed my life!

Judah Medina-Armstrong

I'm Judah Medina-Armstrong, a local and the founder of my own multimedia production company called Kismetism LLC. I’m a Videographer for CNM Ingenuity Digital Media Labs working as a generalist in Digital Media Production, I provide Graphic Design, Photography, Videography, Animation, Art Direction, Fine Art and Media Editing services. I am dedicated to crafting various kinds of creative and digital media that focus on bringing quality art and passion into the forefront of human values. Since I graduated from the Deep Dive Digital Media bootcamp I have worked as a Studio Production Manager at WESST, an official photographer at Gradimages and I am currently a Graphic Designer for one of ABQ’s Local Screenprinting shops.

Jennifer Nev-Diaz

The last year and a half I was an AmeriCorps Vista with the marketing team for CNM Ingenuity where I was able to develop my skills and professionalism. There I learned about Deep Dive Coding and TechHire NM. I had been working two to three jobs at a time since graduating college in December 2017 and decided that I needed to change. In my undergrad I did art and was experimenting with technology to create interactive work through various programming languages. I did the Java+Android bootcamp because I was familiar with coding and wanted to level up my skills. I went through 12 weeks of an intense bootcamp and was able to acquire knowledge that was cross platform. The programming foundations given to us really allowed me to push further in the type of art I make. Additionally, I secured a full-time job as an IT Administrator for the Bernalillo Country District Attorney after meeting the CIO at our employer roundtables. During the bootcamp I focused on the UI/UX of the app and now I get to work with our programmers creating designs for them. It makes my job easier having that programmer knowledge and background I developed through the bootcamp when I communicate with our programmers. Deep Dive Coding and TechHire NM helped me push forward and get to a place I really was itching to be in life. The support you get while undergoing such intense circumstances really keeps you going when it gets tough. I’ve had such a pleasure interacting with all the staff on both teams. Now I feel my self-doubt quite rarely and that is the most powerful thing this experience has done for me.

Michael Sanchez

Prior to attending the bootcamp I was working in hospitality, and although I enjoyed it, I wanted to make a positive change in my life. The change was Deep Dive Coding. Deep Dive was by far the most immersive learning experience that I had ever been through. It helped provide the tools that I needed to make a career change, into the world of tech. Throughout the bootcamp not only do you learn about computer languages, but you build bonds with your cohort that will continue past the program. Another beneficial portion of the program is its ability to assist you with making the right connections with the right people to land interviews. I completed the Java + Android bootcamp in April of 2019, had 4 different interviews after the program, and started working almost immediately. This was the first time in my career where I had multiple choices on the path that I wanted to take next. The program is difficult, but staying positive and knowing that you are setting yourself up for future success is key. I am grateful everyday that I made the change, and took the proverbial Deep Dive to attend.

Selena Trujillo

Deep Dive came in the form of a gift from my brother. I had told him that I would like to earn some sort of ‘pedigree’ of education, either going back to college or some sort of course. He found the Deep Dive Digital Media bootcamp and sent me the information. I was excited and nervous because I would have to move from Durango, Colorado to Albuquerque for three months. It was so worth it. Small things like having a stocked fridge and pantry made an impression, but it was the depth of knowledge and the support that I received from the staff that made the biggest impact. Rod was a stalwart presence to bounce ideas and I’ve come to seek out his advice even after the bootcamp. Learning the various media software has given me a broader skill-set that I’m still enjoying while refining them. Now, I’m working as the Marketing Director for the Durango Arts Center. I’ve been in meetings about getting a podcast sponsored. I’ll be doing video for Durango’s first TedX event, I’ve got a business idea involving green screen work and I’m working on freelance animation videos. Thank you Rod and Deep Dive for the amazing journey!

Faycel Beji

My experience with the Deep Dive Java+Android bootcamp is unlike any other educational experience I have ever had. I was skeptical in the beginning, but after talking with the instructors and the staff, I knew I wanted to be part of the bootcamp. Everyone working at the bootcamp is there to help the students in any way they can. They are motivated and will do whatever it takes to keep you focused. They truly care and simply want everyone to succeed and perhaps start their career as a software developer. My background is in engineering, joining the program made me more marketable, opened many doors for me, and gave me an edge over other engineering graduates. The program is intense but it was exactly the challenge I needed to become a confident programmer who is capable of coding in many languages. I had a chance to work on two different projects that made my resume stand out to employers. In fact, in all interviews I had since I finished the program, the projects were the main focus of the interviewer questions whether in small or large companies. I recommend the program to anyone interested in programming or thinking to switch careers.

McEl Elbrecht

Before Deep Dive I didn’t know what I wanted to do for a career. I worked in different customer service positions and hated all of them. Since I attended the very first Digital Media Bootcamp the curriculum was still being refined but having Rod as an instructor with his experience and contacts definitely helped when it came to working on projects.The staff at Deep Dive want nothing more than to help the students thrive and succeed in the tech world whether you plan to start your own business or go work for someone else. The support and resources they offer are immeasurable. While attending the Digital Media Bootcamp I learned about software and technology that I didn’t know even existed and absolutely loved every second of it. Since going through the bootcamp I’ve been able to get a job working remotely in the tech industry while also helping support my family financially but get to stay home and take care of my daughter. Now that I’ve worked in the industry and see how things work I am starting my own marketing company doing what I wanted to do when I first started the bootcamp, just on a different level, and that is helping small businesses grow. Thank you Deep Dive for everything!

Jacques Chevrier

My whole endeavor in the IT industry started when I was a welder’s helper in Texas. My turning point was when I missed my daughter’s first steps. I was watching her grow from 500 miles away over FaceTime. I came back home and was fortunate enough to get a job as a probationary iron worker at Los Alamos National Labs. Every day I would drive 2 hours both ways to get to work, thinking that this is what life was supposed to be like. While there I learned a key aspect that really helped with my decision of switching industries. I saw that there was a clear distinction between the crafts side, which is what I was a part of, and the labs side; this included engineers, physicists, programmers, etc. The labs side received many more benefits and overall seemed to have a better work life. I knew that I wanted to be on the labs side, but could not afford the time to go to school for 4 years to get a degree.I began investigating alternatives to learning and came across programming. I tried teaching myself for a total of about 2 hours before realizing that I didn’t have the self discipline needed to be successful. Luckily, I came across Deep Dive. When I went in to get more information I was greeted by Andrea, Karen, and Dan. They helped further solidify my choice and I decided to register for the Java+Android+Salesforce bootcamp. Having gone through the immersive 12 week bootcamp, I was able to learn software development along with soft skills that made me employable. I firmly believe that if it weren’t for Deep Dive, I would still be working somewhere that I didn’t enjoy, away from my family. Thank you to everyone that has helped me along the way. I am forever grateful.

Nycole Davila

The Deep Dive IoT bootcamp ended up being the single most important career decision I made post college. After pursuing a career in finance and banking for over 20 year I decided to pursue a completely different business roadmap. STEM always intrigued me, however going back to school for 2 years or more specializing in engineering and computer science was not feasible. Deep Dive allowed me to fast-track that education and gain the hands-on experience needed to excel in STEM field. Shortly after the bootcamp started a hybrid model was implemented and remote learning commenced. I was still able to gain the skills and knowledge to feel confident applying for engineering jobs that were focused around 4-year educational programs. Within a year of completing the bootcamp I increased my income by 33% which is entry level pay. I am grateful that I found the program and I was able to utilize the services and guidance provided. To this day I still feel connected to the program and I would highly encourage anyone interest to pursue the option and a solid investment in one’s future.

Maurizio Romero

In the spring of 2019, I was blessed enough to receive a grant from the New Mexico Workforce Connection to attend a program at Deep Dive. Not knowing what my calling in life was, I took a leap of faith and landed in the Digital Media program. Coming into the program, I knew nothing about Digital Media and I could barley manage my computer. A few weeks later I fell in love with Film. Rod Sanchez, my instructor was there to mentor and teach me the ins and outs. In 12 weeks I graduated with my certificate and ventured off into the real world and with the help of Esteban, I landed an Internship as the Content Creator and Digital Marketer for a start up. I joined a Cinematography company called Beige Imaging and began to freelance. Dwight Harrison, my mentor in film took me under his wing and helped me tremendously. COVID then hit and ruined my first Production Assistant job for an Amazon Prime Film. I was then lead to Arizona to further my Cinematography career. With all of the knowledge I was able to obtain from Deep Dive and my from my mentor Dwight, I began traveling the country thanks to a Multi Level Marketing company called IM Academy and I started getting offers to be flown out for Cinematography gigs. I was also offered a full time Photography position at Life Touch. This all happened because of the opportunity I was presented from Deep Dive. From being an individual with little to no experience in Digital Media, I transformed into a Multi Media Artist traveling the country and doing what I love. Deep Dive works. This opportunity has changed many lives and I’m so blessed and thankful to have had been a part of Digital Media Cohort 4

Demetria Gutierrez

I joined the Deep Dive FullStack cohort at the beginning of 2020. Coming in with a degree and a business, Calyx Studio, focused in Graphic Design, I knew I wanted to add to my skill set but obtaining another degree as a solo-parent just wasn’t in the cards. During the “Prework”, I gained skills that immediately benefited me and my community. I volunteer as a board member of the Hubbell House Alliance and the website was not mobile friendly. Around the beginning of the FullStack program, I was able to seamlessly transition the HHA website to become more accessible on a mobile device. The 10-week program seemed to fly by as we gained valuable experience not only working on individual projects of our choice but also in teams that mimicked a work setting. In the final week of the program, COVID had our cohort scrambling to transition to remote work. Our instructor, George Kephart went above and beyond to make sure we got the most out of the program. Directly related to being in the program, being part of the Deep Dive community, and having referrals from Esteban Martinez, I have been able to work on a variety of amazing projects that marry my design background with my new developer skill set. I’ve also had the opportunity to come back (virtually) and help with interview days and look forward to continuing to be more engaged with this growing community. If you have the opportunity to get into this program, take it.

Jack Reuter

The bootcamp was such a great experience and gave me such a solid foundation to build upon. My first job after the bootcamp was in Santa Fe, NM as a Junior Developer where I worked on a SaaS application using Ruby on Rails. I have since moved to Austin, TX where I work as a Software Engineer for an ERP company using Perl and Golang. The bootcamp was a life changing experience for me and jump started my career as a software engineer.

Gino Villalpando

Before I found Deep Dive Coding I was spiraling down a career path I didn’t like and dreaded it. I worked as a Technical Support representative for many companies and I was very distraught to where I would end up and eventually ended up unemployed because of my lack of interest. That’s when I discovered the TechHire program that introduced me to Deep Dive Coding and funded me to grow my programming skills. I previously loved coding in HTML and CSS when I was a teenager as an apprentice to a freelance developer, but lost my touch after I lost contact with the developer. I’ve always wanted to get back into coding but just didn’t know how to start since development has changed drastically in the past 13 years. The Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp introduced me to my first coding stack that gave me the building blocks to start my programming journey. Since then I’ve completed a project for a gutter service company, worked as a Coding Mentor for the Deep Dive Coding program, and started as a Development Intern at RS21. I plan to grow my programmer skills with RS21 and learn some machine learning technologies for automated integrations. I’m very appreciative of Deep Dive Coding for giving me the push I needed to begin a career I thoroughly enjoy.

Archie Jaramillo

I was in the construction field as a project and operations manager for 17 years before attending Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp. I have a young family and even though the money was great, I was unhappy and resentful of my work/life balance, so I decided I wanted to make a career change. Taking that leap when you have a young family and being in your forties is a VERY scary thought, but with the support of my wife and family, I decided it was now or never. My company at the time was putting up billboards for DDC and it peaked my interest, so I started doing a lot of research on coding bootcamps and software development and decided that this is what I was going to do and made the decision to apply to the 12 week Java+Andoid bootcamp. Meeting the support staff and the instructors before starting the bootcamp helped to put my mind at ease with the decision that I had made. The intense 12 week journey definitely challenges you to the best of your abilities, but with the help and dedication of the instructors (Nick and Todd), the DDC staff and the support of my family and classmates in Java cohort 9, I successfully completed the course in April 2020. I was able to get an internship with a local software development company a month after graduation as an Application Programmer where I have applied the skills that I have learned and continue to learn and expand my skills as a developer.

Chamisa Edmo

My experience at Deep Dive was deeply transformational and rewarding. When I started the Fullstack bootcamp, I was new to tech and extremely apprehensive I wouldn’t find a space I felt comfortable learning the ropes. During my 10 weeks, I learned more than I thought possible and knew I had found a place in a dynamic and supportive community of local tech professionals. Since the bootcamp, I have applied my development skills in many fun and unexpected ways including in robotics, various ML/AI projects and as a teacher. I’m so grateful to all of the instructors and administrators at DDC for their support and endless encouragement, without them it would not have been possible for me to take the plunge into a new career path.

Sami Heard

I first heard of Deep Dive from a friend who went through the program and raved about how amazing it was. I had done a little bit of hobby programming throughout the years but had never tried to pursue it as a career. I had been helping run a small local business for a few years and thought I’d make a change. I took the plunge and signed up for the Java + Android bootcamp. Looking back, it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The intensive 12 week, fulltime bootcamp provided me with a wide range of skills and a firm foundation in software development and within a month of graduating, I started working as a software developer. Deep Dive Coding really exceeded my expectations. The instructors are brilliant and really go above and beyond to help you learn. The administration and staff and alumni are supportive and helpful and have really created a community deeply connected to the local tech industry. Deep Dive isn’t just a bootcamp, it’s a huge community of people that will get you started in your career in software development. I couldn’t recommend the program more!

Jude Baca-Miller

I was ready for a career change, but did not have the desire or means to spend years in graduate school. I knew that I was interested in writing software. After doing much research I was convinced that Deep Dive could help me learn a new skill that could help me make the career change I was looking for. The instructors, classmates, and support staff at Deep Dive provided the structure and motivation that I needed to learn the foundations of fullstack web development and most importantly helped introduce me to people in the growing Albuquerque tech scene. Shortly after completing the bootcamp I accepted an internship with a local development company and have since moved up to a Jr. Development position. I love my new job and know that there is room to grow in this field.

Joseph Scott Peterson

Programming has been of interest to me since a very early age, but I never realized my potential and didn’t have the patience for higher education. The immersive, fast paced learning of a bootcamp is exactly what I needed to develop a passing interest into a marketable tradeskill. Deep Dive in particular has enthusiastic instructors who go above and beyond to help their students, and teach practical skills such as project management and version control that make it easy to enter the professional world. My team’s project from the bootcamp won second place in the UNM/CNM App Contest and was the foundation of our LLC. I was hired by the Bernalillo County District Attorney and may have the opportunity to continue my education.

Melissa Granillo

From my first conversation with Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp staff, it was evident that their interest was not only to fill seats but to provide each person with coding knowledge and skills to have a fulfilling career. I intended to enroll in the fullstack program, but after a conversation where I expressed an interest in animation, I was introduced to the digital media bootcamp. Joining the digital media bootcamp was the best decision I have made. The bootcamp connected me with the energy and joy of creating that I had forgotten. The digital media bootcamp itself was designed to provide us with more than the beginnings of skills mastery. Instead, it was an intensive 12 weeks of relationship building, training in job acquisition, self-reflection with the aim of getting out of one’s way, and contact with people who are masters in their craft. Our interests and ambitions were at the forefront of the instructors planning, and the constant contact with that amount of positivity was contagious and helped me to realize that a creative career was not only possible but a practical career move. Deep Dive is one of the most supportive learning environments I have attended. Their genuine desire to enrich the people of Albuquerque coupled with their tireless efforts to connect its students with the resources needed for their success make the program one of a kind and a jewel I hope more people find. I am very grateful to have been a student and now part of its alumni network.

Deminica Stout

To be completely honest, I was terrified at the thought of beginning my bootcamp. Coming into the tech field as a complete newbie, I had a steep learning curve to work with. However, during the 12 weeks of my bootcamp, I accomplished way more than I ever thought possible, and acquired skills I never dreamed I would have had the capability of using. By the time graduation rolled around, I had created an entire animated series, a YouTube channel, and a CGI project. Not only did I utilize my newly acquired digital tools to express my creative passions, but when I left Deep Dive I had already begun contracting with a local LLC on animation work, and had lined up an internship with another local start up that was literally about to ignite the ABQ tech scene. Though my life circumstances have changed since my time at Deep Dive, the technological skills and awareness I gained through the Digital Media bootcamp have empowered me to continue working on the things I love, while utilizing the flexibility of being able to work remotely from home when needed. Not many fields are so accommodating. Now, I am able to continue contributing financially to my family, as well as be able to stay home with my toddler.

Jennifer Quay Minnich

I needed to level up my dev skills so I could be more competitive in the tech industry. I did not anticipate the deep impact CNM Ingenuity + Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp would have on my career trajectory when entering the program. After completion, Andrea, the Program Director placed me in a paid internship with a local web design agency. I accepted the agency’s job offer soon thereafter and well, the rest is history! Not even two years later, I manage and direct various operations in integrated technology solutions. I was just awarded the Game Changer Award for my contribution and impact within the agency for the 2018 year. I highly recommend the web development full stack program for professionals looking to expand their network and net worth.

Donny Stout

I was always somewhat technologically savvy but in dealing more with the hardware aspect of computers and electronics. Due to an injury I was not able to return to doing the work I was doing previously and so I began going through a vocational rehab. With my tech knowledge and the fact that I had recently wanted to learn Android development to begin making android apps, Deep Dive was suggested to me. After some deliberation I chose to go ahead and participate in the Java+Android Bootcamp. The program was intense and at times felt overwhelming as even though I had previous tech experience, creating software is so very different and disconnected to dealing with physical hardware. The instructors for the Java+Android Bootcamp were the two best teachers I’ve ever had, they put so much effort in helping me and my classmates both in and out of the classroom. Even though at times the class felt overwhelming, it was a great experience and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Two months out of the bootcamp I got offered an Associate Developer position that I am still employed with, a place where I actually love going to work, I enjoy what I do, and it’s the best paying job I’ve ever had. Deep Dive and their wonderful staff not only gave me the education to go into the field and get employed but also the fundamentals to learn so much more and fostered in me a love for development and a love for the tech community.

Anna Khamsamran

Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp allowed me to escape a dead-end job and gave me the skills and confidence I needed to completely change my life. I had been thinking of enrolling in a full-stack bootcamp for over a year, but the cost and distance I’d have to travel to attend one in another state discouraged me and made me put off doing it. I was excited when I realized there was a program in Albuquerque. By the end of the bootcamp, I had given my notice to quit my old job. It took about a month or two of actively applying for jobs to start getting offers. One of the great strengths of DDCB is its intention to add technological ability to each student’s talents. To allow the technological ability to enhance and amplify other knowledge and experience. I am currently working as the Digital Director of a political campaign. Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp has given me the tools to leverage my talents through technological skills.

Jolynn Pruitt

I previously worked as a test engineer and software developer at IBM for 9 years. However, since 2010 I’ve been out of the traditional workforce while raising my three young children. As they became older, I wanted to return to working but knew that I also wanted to continue to be there for my family, so I needed something that would allow me to be flexible yet challenged. My husband and I decided to start a business which focuses on website development and tribal business consulting. Looking to expand my skillset beyond WordPress, I discovered the Deep Dive Coding fullstack bootcamp and decided to go for it. The 10-week program was essentially my return to full-time work outside of the home for the first time in 8 years, and it was both intense and rewarding. The program’s instructors and support staff were great. I enjoyed the challenging workload, as well as the professional development and networking aspects of the program. Upon completion I walked away with more technical confidence and marketable skills to grow my business, Tekio Solutions, LLC. Thank you to everyone at Deep Dive Coding, my amazing cohort, and my family for the support and encouragement. I would recommend this program to anyone looking for a career change or seeking to expand their technical and professional skills. You’ll gain that and so much more!

Nick LoCicero

I always loved computers. In high school I spent the money from my part-time job on building my own computer instead of buying a car. When I got to college I intended to study Computer Science, but it was an impacted major and I did not get in. I spent 9 years after college wishing I had the skills to be a software engineer. I sincerely desired to write code and create with it, but I could never focus enough to get over the learning curve. I came into some money and decided it was time to finally consider a coding bootcamp. It turned out that I was able to get Deep Dive Coding completely funded and it provided me the structure to pour my heart into what I truly love. Having toyed around with code for the past 15 years, the 12 weeks I spent at Deep Dive Coding provided the structure for me to succeed. After graduating, I received two very competitive offers for software engineer within the first two weeks of graduating. I am doing what I love everyday now. It took immense work, I am so grateful to Deep Dive for providing me the structure and challenge to grow so much in such a short period of time. I can’t believe it happened so fast, honestly. I spent over a decade being interested in doing this and in 12 weeks (plus mega pre-work), I made it. I couldn’t have done it without Deep Dive. If I could have, I already would have. Thank you Deep Dive for changing my life!

James Ticer

Before Deep Dive I was working as a night manager at a local hotel. Working in such a unique position allowed me to grow in many ways but I began to realize that I needed a more engaging and stimulating career. After my father passed away I decided that it was the right time to take charge of my future and I reached out to Deep Dive. The Bootcamp was definitely no easy task, but in 10 weeks you learn everything you need to develop full stack web applications. For over 2 months I was coding day and night, sometimes even dreaming about code, and when I got to the end I was truly impressed with how much I was able to learn. This whole experience has been so life changing and has given me so much confidence. The skills I’ve learned at Deep Dive have laid a solid foundation for my career and has completely changed the course of my life.

Jullyane Hawkins

Not being happy with my past career, I decided to change fields. I always liked technology and thought that programming is fascinating, especially the flexibility of it. But I was too afraid of all the math that I thought I had to complete to get a degree and become a programmer. I started going to tech meet ups here in Albuquerque and I met awesome people who talked to me about web development and what it is like to work as a developer and I really liked what I heard. They also introduced me to the Deep Dive Coding bootcamp and I ended up signing up for it. The bootcamp is fantastic! The staff and instructors are amazing. They are always willing to help and make you grow in this new path. It’s very challenging, but definitely worth it. I got a job right after graduation. I couldn’t be happier!

Jake Batchelor

I decided I could do better than work a barely above minimum wage job, but didn’t have the time or money to go for a full computer science degree. I found Deep Dive and decided to give it a chance and it’s a choice I’ll never regret. In just the short span of 4 months I went from managing fast food with poor hourly pay to being a Java developer with salary and full benefits. I attended the Java+Android Bootcamp from January 2018-April 2018 and the staff at the Bootcamp are amazing. The Java course instructors, Nick and Chris, really put an effort into making sure everyone understands the material and explain it in a way that even someone like me who came in with no technical experience can understand. Not to mention the two coaches, Karen and Dan, who work with you to help develop the less technical (but equally as important) side of being a professional developer. By the time I had graduated I had gotten my Oracle Java Associate Certification and within a month had 3 amazing job opportunities to choose from, each with great aspects of future career growth. I can’t recommend Deep Dive enough to anyone with an interest in software development and is looking for a career change.

John Moberly

A few years ago I faced career change, and with four kids and a family, the process of changing careers was quite daunting, as I had to find a way to gain practical knowledge while still supporting them. Last fall I stumbled upon the Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp through CNM, and after a bit if research, decided to give the January 2018 .NET Bootcamp a try, since it allowed for attendance in the evenings and on weekends. Having no experience in development was a cause of concern to myself, but my instructor, as well as the entire Deep Dive team, was very welcoming and encouraging. As a result of attending this Bootcamp, I gained insight into the world of developing, and was encouraged that it was something I could actually pursue. After graduation, I was able to land a summer internship with the State of NM, and on the tail end of that I was offered a full-time position with SAIC as a Junior Developer, with great benefits and a great new career direction for myself and my family. I am very grateful for the opportunity afforded through completion of this Bootcamp, and highly recommend it to anyone who is at a similar crossroads in their own career journey.

Sam Andrews

I attended the Fullstack bootcamp looking for a career change. With a background in design, I knew software development would be a one-way ticket to better career opportunities both within and outside of New Mexico. What I wasn’t expecting was how much I’d love software development. I found the logic and problem-solving aspects of programming fascinating. The best part about Deep Dive is being immersed in the local tech community and being surrounded by some of the smartest, most dedicated, and most creative minds in the city. The connections and friendships I built in the bootcamp are invaluable. Two months after the bootcamp ended, I landed a software development internship with a local tech company. Within the first few weeks I was writing code and building mobile apps using React Native. Three months later I was offered a full-time position as an Associate Software Developer. I still can’t believe how much my life has changed this past year. For the first time in a long time, I feel excited about my career and what my future holds.

Erin Scott

Deep Dive Coding help me drastically change my professional trajectory. I was at the point in my career at the time that I felt I “capped out” in terms of growth opportunities, and did not feel I had a desirable work/life balance. I considered going to graduate school, but couldn’t nail down a program that felt worth the time and financial investment. The Bootcamp seemed like an ideal option to increase my technical skillset and have tangible career prospects in a short period of time. With the funding I received through TechHire, I was able to make the Bootcamp a reality. My Bootcamp experience was a whirlwind. My classmates were amazing, and I really appreciated the support system that is in place at CNM – from the student to teacher/TA ratio and success specialists on staff, to the professional development that was included in the program. The amount of content we covered was insane, and it was hugely satisfying to leave the program with tangible projects in my portfolio of work. Thanks to what I learned at the Bootcamp and my prior professional experience, I had multiple opportunities upon graduation that I was able to negotiate and choose between (for the first time in my life). One month to my Bootcamp graduation date, I signed on to work as a full-time developer at a local tech company. Who knows what the future holds, but I know that my professional opportunities and earning potential are significantly greater thanks to having a more technical skillset. A little bit of code goes a long way!

Freddy Crawford

For the past 20 years I have been working as hard as possible to provide for my family. Without a college education in today’s world, it has become increasingly difficult to provide a decent quality of life. I had someone suggest I look into coding. I had no idea what coding was when I started doing research the first thing I found was Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp. The nature of the bootcamp is to immerse yourself for 10 weeks and that’s exactly what I did. Thanks to the great support staff at Deep Dive along with the support of my family I was able to complete the intense program. Within the first month I was offered a paid internship with an awesome company and not even two weeks after later I was offered a full time salaried position. I can honestly say that attending Deep Dive was one of the best decisions of my life. When people ask me what I do now I hold my head high and say I’m a software developer. I have been a real life example to my children that its never too late to follow your dreams. Thank You Deep Dive Staff for helping me realize my worth.

Tucker Logan

This bootcamp changed my life. My wife and I were nearly homeless living out of our beat-down RV, and figured the world had turned its back on us. After hearing about the bootcamp while filing for unemployment, I quickly chose opportunity over privilege. My greatest challenge was the logistics outside of the course, but the amazing team did whatever it took to simply make it work. One year after graduating, I am now a Software Engineer for Sandia Labs and have the sustainable income of my dreams. As of March 2018, we even purchased our first home. Because of this bootcamp my family and I escaped poverty once and for all. With this coding knowledge, I strive to impact the lives of others as this bootcamp did for me and my family.

Ejerson Balabas

I worked on and graduated with my master’s degree in music before attending Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp. Then a year ago, I started becoming really interested in software development. I decided to attend DDCB because of a friend’s recommendation and chose to learn java. Attending DDCB was probably one of the most challenging experiences in my life, but I learned a lot. You get what you put in is the main idea that kept me motivated throughout the boot camp. DDCB staff does a great job of keeping students aware that our individual success is our responsibility and they are there to support and help in any way they can. Nick is an excellent teacher. He is passionate about software development and has the knack for keeping you exposed to new, and more challenging ideas. I finished the boot camp mid-December 2017 and spent most of January 2018 preparing for the Oracle Certified Associate Test. My efforts paid off and I passed on my first try. I applied to four places and got interviewed by all of them and ultimately decided to accept an offer to work as a Software Design Engineer (contractor) at Sandia National Laboratories. Attending and graduating from DDCB gave me a boost of confidence in my ability as a software developer. (My views shared herein does not reflect the views of Sandia National Laboratories).

Matthew David

I felt stuck in the way I made a living. With no degree, no technological knowledge and a decade working in the trades, my hopes for a better life had begun to dwindle. I found my saving grace in Deep Dive. Everything from career advice and guidance to emotional support is generously provided by the staff during and after the tough weeks at the bootcamp. I was coached through establishing a healthy presence on the web and how to make the job experience I had work in my favor on a resume geared toward career change. They asked two things of me in order to be successful. Put in the long hours of work and trust the Deep Dive system. Two months after graduating I accepted an offer and have begun my new career as a web developer. Any determined person, from any walk of life, can succeed in this program.

Shihlin Lu

Deep Dive was the most intense academic program I’ve ever taken, and it was the best program I’ve ever taken. I learned a lot, and I achieved a lot during the program. The course is only 10 weeks, so you have to be meticulous – you have to go beyond what you’re expected to achieve. There is an endless amount of learning in software, and I am very thankful for this opportunity. I didn’t realize that once you learn one programming language, it is much easier to learn more! Communication is very important in software development. The perception is that developers are very isolated, but understanding one another is a very important part of the job.

Sarah Ruth Finkel

The world of technology is vast, and finding the right information can be difficult. I chose Deep Dive because I wanted a program that would give me training that I could use. When I started the program, I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to learn, but the support system at Ingenuity is really great. I met people at the program who I still use as a resource. Now I am part of a community where I can continue to grow. It’s worked for me, being part of that community. You still have to keep learning after you graduate the program, and Deep Dive teaches you how to teach yourself to be a developer. I began interning at a start up company one month after completing the Fullstack Bootcamp, and I am currently working as a web developer.

Elaine Thomas

I came to Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp with a career change in mind. I was nervous about fitting in and surviving but DDBC has a killer trifecta of staff. The success counselor helped me to navigate a whole new kind of work environment while at the same time, our career counselor showed me how to network and build my personal brand. Last but certainly not least the amazing instructors taught me how to build an entry-level portfolio that included a working software application. After bootcamp, I used those skills to land a job I love as a website and application developer. Best career move ever.

Kimberly Keller

I had an incredibly rewarding experience at the STEMulus center while I took Deep Dive Fullstack. I learned to program and I became a part of the developer community in Albuquerque. The bootcamp is a valuable, immersive experience. Just like spending time in another country will help you learn the language, spending time with other programmers and students will expedite your learning process. After I graduated, my team and I won the UNM Mobile App contest and with the help of the CNM career coach I quickly found a job working as a web developer. Having a strong foundation in practical programming skills and a supportive community allowed me to find a job and pursue my newly found passion for all things development.

Anthony Williams

I’m really grateful for my time at the Deep Dive Coding Bootcamps. Not only do you teach Fullstack Web Development, but you also provide us with the most critical skill of all, finding a job after graduation. Everyone involved with this school is passionate about teaching and technology and is completely invested in helping all students succeed. I was able to build a network of people not only from the teachers, but from other students as well. I came to Albuquerque from California with a dream of changing careers from healthcare to technology, and today I can say that dream has come true. That would not have happened without Deep Dive.

Monica Alvarez

Going into the bootcamp, I had very little experience in web development. Not a problem! The staff at DDCB do an amazing job of creating a fun and inclusive learning environment for people just starting out. The instructors are incredibly talented at conveying complex concepts, and take the time to explain not only how to code, but why it works. The career counselor helped me put my new knowledge to good use by organizing resume and interview workshops, and helped me figure out what kind of tech career I really wanted to pursue. Now, I work as a developer at a local software development company making websites and apps, and it’s exactly what I hoped for in a new career.

Travis Talcott

The day after I graduated from the Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp, I got my LLC to start my company, Lyra Development. I was very determined to start my own company with a goal of making applications, not just websites. Deep Dive gave me the knowledge to and confidence to build more complex applications. I also gained the knowledge necessary to better understand the development process and how to manage clients. I later attended Deep Dive .NET to further expand my skillset. By making some smart business decisions and partnerships, my business has quickly grown, I have hired another Deep Dive Coding graduate to work for me, and I will soon be hiring another, allowing me to focus more on business development to expand my client base.

Alicia Broadhurst

I signed up for the Fullstack Bootcamp looking to beef up my resume, as I was struggling to get my foot in the door in a career path related to my college education. The Bootcamp was an amazing help, especially in growing my network. I had several interviews with local companies lined up following Demo Day, and was working as a Junior Developer two months after graduation. The instructors are amazing; they go above and beyond the call of duty. They push students to challenge themselves, while at the same time helping wherever needed. There are all kinds of resources to help students succeed, there is an especially strong emphasis on career counseling so students leave the Bootcamp prepared. The Bootcamp is an incredible environment to learn more about programming or to jump-start a career change. It’s definitely a challenge, but it’s well worth it.

Kai Garrott

Deep Dive offers an immersive, structured learning environment that serves to greatly accelerate the learning process, offering a distinct advantage over attempting to self-teach the entire field of programming. After committing ten weeks to hands-on projects and independent study, I graduated with much greater confidence in my ability to crack the job market, and I currently work with a variety of technologies at a local, Deep Dive alum-founded software firm. Becoming a developer is a process of constant, intensive learning, and in this pursuit, Deep Dive’s wonderful staff are an invaluable resource with their wealth of professional experience.

Skyler Rexroad

Computer programming is a huge field, and if you’re trying to self-teach (or even go the college route), there is a lot of fluff that you have to get through before you get to actual, practical, knowledge. Deep Dive Coding helps streamline the process, letting students apply their studies to actual real-world projects that they can continue after they’ve graduated. Even having been both student and teacher at the bootcamp, I can safely say that my learning has not stopped (nor will it), and the friendship and support that I’ve gained has been absolutely invaluable. The bootcamp does a great job of both supporting students in the classroom as well as out in the developer community, providing opportunities for everyone to get to know each other and work together. I was connected with an awesome local tech company when they came and presented at Deep Dive, and I do (and did) work that I love every day.

Deep Dive tuition increases go into effect on 7/1/2024. Programs beginning on or after 7/1/2024 will reflect updated tuition pricing. Click “Tuition Increase” to learn more.  


Deep Dive tuition increases go into effect on 7/1/2024. Programs beginning on or after 7/1/2024 will reflect updated tuition pricing. Review those increases here.  

Scheduled Maintenance

CNM Ingenuity will be performing scheduled maintenance on Saturday, January 20 from 8 p.m. – 11 p.m. Students will not be able to submit or modify any forms during this time. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Please contact us with any questions.